Enhanced Maintenance Procedures for Residential Upkeep

Enhanced Maintenance Procedures for Residential Upkeep
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As a landlord, you have many other tasks to manage than pulling down a ladder from the storehouse and working on residential flooring. Even when some homeowners have their homes as their primary investment, they may not be there to look after the property now and then. This especially rings true for landlords who engage in inter-state travel or have other businesses to manage. Home maintenance can be a challenging ordeal, especially for a new landlord or a landlord who’s just begun taking an interest in their real estate property.

With each changing season, your tenant will have to adapt, using the best equipment and amenities your housing can offer. As per law, the landlord is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the property. The landlord has to look after broken fuses, corrosive or leaky house pipes, mold/gas leakages, and more!

Feeling pinned down already? Call a residential property management company in Richmond and hand over your maintenance problems!

PMI Northwest Houston offers pre-tenant move-in property reviews to ensure the property was in order when handed to the tenant.

Here’s a list of enhanced maintenance procedures for domestic upkeeping.

Maintaining the Fireplace and the Chimney

If your real estate comes with a chimney and a fireplace, you should make sure they are soot-free with no grime and debris lining the chimney. You should also make sure no smoke collects in the house when the tenants use the fireplace.

Don’t hesitate to have property management companies in Katy take over if your real estate needs much maintenance.

Maintaining the Yards and the Lawn

Overgrown yards and lawns are home to several insects, bugs, and bees. Maintain your lawns before a tenant comes to visit the property. You can also engage in basic maintenance before going for a virtual tour of your property.

yard maintenance

Taking Care of the Roofing

Leaking roofs without solid scaffolding can be a safety hazard for the tenants. Remember, house maintenance is not just plastering the walls and scrubbing floors. There are more detailed processes like proper roofing, flooring, adequate security surveillance, and more.

Maintaining Domestic Heating and Insulation

Whether your house features an HVAC or a boiler/electric heater for heating, make sure the mechanism is intact and working. This should also be checked and confirmed by the tenants as well. The landlord should also inform the tenant about the insulation and heating mechanism (central or zonal) the house is equipped with.

PMI Northwest Houston takes up such detailed maintenance projects with great ease. We are a property management company that offers our services nationwide. Our rental property management and commercial property management services are popular in Houston, TX. Book a free consultation at: 281.907.8190.
